Fourteen Slices of Time (2020) (in collaboration with Joslyn Willauer)
assisted readymade: fourteen custom-printed A6 / 4x6 inch double-sided postcards, wooden stand, Grayson (gray metal) or Gibraltar Patriot (black plastic) mailbox, streaming electronic music soundtrack
45 x 25 x 50 cm
Fourteen custom-printed postcards—souvenirs that trigger memories of Earth—are displayed on a simple stand that fits inside of a mailbox. This is a physical reference to the content of the video installation Timeslips. The streaming audio soundtrack can be listened to by visitors to the exhibition on their own mobile device while viewing the postcards.
Fourteen Slices of Time in “Overflow: The Mississippi in every state imaginable” at Co-Prosperity Sphere, Chicago IL [15 October-13 November 2021 (exhibition continues at Watershed Art & Ecology)]
Fourteen Slices of Time in “Overflow” at Q.arma, Minneapolis MN [30 July-1 October 2021]
Fourteen Slices of Time at Weinberg/Newton Gallery, Chicago IL [3 February-27 March 2021]
Fourteen Slices of Time in “The Current” at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin DE [26 October-30 November 2020]